Tanya and I may be cajun gals, but we do love the modern girly lifestyle. The only hunting you will see us doing is for a deal at the mall! There will be no stick rubbing to start fires and no reinvention of the wheel. Fires will be in the BBQ pit and the wheels will be rolling on our cars. We love electricity (thank God for the A/C), hot water, and indoor plumbing, etc. As much as we LOVE the modern world, our bodies are not enjoying the processed foods and chemicals we are putting in it. So, we are going back to basics and eating the way God intended us to eat. We are going to make Paleo work for us.

Paleo is short for Paleolithic. I'm sure you have heard it referred to as "Primal" or "Caveman Diet". Whatever you wish to call it, it is a basic and simple way of living. Paleo can be broken down into three simple principles.
- Eat WHOLE foods - I truely believe that God gave us everything we need to live a healthy life and keep our bodies strong. I really don't think He intended for us to eat chemicals from a box! ;)
- Avoid processed food
- Find the foods that you digest well/improve your digestion and eat to heal your body.
The first 30 days will help to rid your body of toxins. This is a lifestyle and not a diet. Before this journey, I lived to eat. Now I'm eating to live! I eat foods that promote healing in my body. I'm not perfect. Sometimes I eat something and know right away it was not a healing food for me. There are some foods that are considered "Paleo" but are not the best choices for me. Everyone will find what works best for them. Give it a shot for 30 days.
Amen sista! Well spoken my dear!