
Monday, February 11, 2013

Crossfit Update...

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I hear this often!!  I bet my trainer didn't even think I was listening!  LOL!  Back at ya, "G"!!  Let's just say there is a lot of weakness in this body.  I've been sore as hell, but some great things are happening when the soreness leaves!

It is amazing to me that I'm seeing and feeling results from Crossfit in just 5 sessions.  I'm really feeling my core tighten and become stronger.  I've noticed that I have the energy now to stand tall and sit up straight.  Best of all, I noticed my lower back muscles have strengthened and really feel aligned(has been out of whack since I became pregnant with my son 16 years ago).  In addition to this, I'm learning more about my own body awareness.  For example, I sit on my feet, my left hip, and never use core muscles when I'm "hanging out" at home.  I'm working on changing some of these bad habits and a few others!

Paleo eating has my body on a path of healing, but my weight plateaued in November.  After 5 sessions of Crossfit, I've lost one inch off my waist/hips and my weight is down 3 lbs.  Crossfit appears to be the missing link to my puzzle.  Don't worry, I'm not a scale jumper, but I do check the scale to make sure I'm still on the right path with my Paleo eating.  Even better, my scale is our Wii system and it gives me a running record of my journey!

Let's take a minute and talk about my Lymphatic System!  I CAN FEEL better circulation in my legs and feet.  Note that the bottoms of my feet are no longer blue when I sit on the floor.  Additional fluid has gone from my neck, wrist, feet, and ankles.  This has been the change that I'm most excited about!!!  NOTHING I have done has had this kind of impact on my stagnant lymphatic system!  BIG SCORE!

April will be exciting this year!  I totally can't wait to see my natural doc and yearly blood work results!  I have talked with him a few times by phone, but he has no clue of all the changes!

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