
Sunday, December 16, 2012

What In The World Are You Doing Now?

Yep, that is the question most often asked when my friends see that I am up to something else new and sometimes crazy! (Many opportunities for more posts about that later!) But for today, I have been inspired to start this blog to follow my upcoming journey towards taking my health back. And I am not doing it alone. I have recruited an amazing friend, Sherri, who has happily found her way down the path using the Paleo method of eating! She has lost weight, gained confidence, become calm and balance in a very noticeable way over the last year. That is what I aim to do in 2013! So, starting on Dec 26, after I return from the holidays, I am going to begin a stretch of almost 30 days of Paleo eating. No grains, dairy, legumes, sugar or (OMG) alcohol. I know I can do anything for 30 days, but I am a little worried about leaving out my nightly glass of wine...but I figure if I did it for nine months when I was preggo, I can do it now! I am just as worth it as my unborn child was, right???? I am not sure where this will take me or if it will get ugly, but jump on board and let's see what happens!


  1. Paleo is a lifestyle that goes against everything we have been "brainwashed" to believe. We are going to have others (including some close family and friends)roll their eyes and say some pretty odd stuff! Yes, this has happened to me a lot. Of course now, I get a lot of "wows" after 43 lbs. lost and people are more willing to listen when they can "see" a difference in you. The funny thing is, it is not about the weight. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy to finally be losing weight, but my health and how I feel takes center stage! Keep focused on you and how you feel. When you need support, come get it here! Totally love having a buddy aboard this lifestyle train!

  2. I do believe having a buddy is going to help me!

  3. What is left tobeat but meat and veggies and fruit?? :).

    1. Meats, veggies, fruits, nuts, and seeds! You would be suprised how many meals we can create with those few categories!! ;)

  4. This is awesome! My husband and i have meals delivered...paleo meals....small 300 to 400. 4 meals the book it will change your life! No more bloating, burping,, gas and losing weight! Went off the wagon for the holidays and back to the same miserable feelings! Back on track next week...thanks

    1. I never realized how bloated and gassy I was, until I wasn't! LOL! I almost never do grains, even during holidays b/c I NEVER want to feel that bad again! I have never done Premade Paleo, but I do love to cook and test out my kitchen skills! LOL!

  5. How do you get past the caffeine and sugar withdrawals?. I bought some naked and odwalla juice and am going to fast with those and water and green tea for a few days. I also completely stopped using the microwave a few months ago bc it changes the molecular structure if food into something the body does not recognize so i picture it as cancer in my body. I am seeking out links that will make me feel that way about sugar, corn and wheat. Ive found this and and and hopefully I can start seeing these things the way i do microwave non food. I bought the last of the organic range free chicken at walmsrt in walker. Im betting they dont restock!

    1. So far, I have only had a mild headache with the withdrawals and I am on day #3. Nothing I can't handle.
      I recommend reading the book "It Starts With Food". I downloaded it to my kindle app. Or there is a website called that is written by the same people. I thought they did a great job explaining the whys about all these things. They also have a Facebook page to check out.
      I took the month of December and really did my research before I jumped onboard. I asked Sherri many questions and read lots of books and articles. Based on my past experiences, it just made sense. I also spoke with my endocrinologist as well. I am a metabolic nightmare, and she gave me the OK. She is right here in Baton Rouge and I have the utmost respect for her opinion, so when she gave me her blessing I knew it was a "GO" for me.

      Sounds like you are on the right track already. I can't say I have stopped using the microwave, but that does make perfect sense! I am still searching for affordable, realistic ways to make this whole program work in my life. I believe that is why a 30 day ALL IN COMMITMENT is needed. Once you are past that, the obstacles will mostly be hurdled and a lot of the questions answered. Then you can determine if continuing is worth it to you.

    2. You are already far down the road!! 30 days and you will be hooked!!
      I will say that I did eat fruit a lot in the beginning to help ease off of the carbs/sugars. Fruit are sugar, but a natural/whole food. It worked well for my body. NOW, let's talk about coffee!! I still have one cup a day. I enjoy my morning mug of coffee and I have been ok with it. There are times that I grab a cup at work and always feel when this has become too much. Too much caffeine gives me a headache now. I use a little liquid stevia and coconut milk.

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