
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

You have "Leaky Gut", so now what?!?

So I was diagnosed with "leaky gut" and other autoimmune issues (thyroid).  I'm sure some of you are wondering what is "leaky gut"?  There is a ton of information in medical terms out there that you can read up on.   I'm not going to give you any medical jargon, but I'm going to explain to you, in everyday language, what was happening to me.  As most of you know, I have been off of dairy for years now.  As long as I can remember, I have always had problems dairy.  The last time I had a bite of cream cheese, my eye lids began to swell, my nasal cavity closed up, and my friend began frantically searching the house for Benedryl!  LOL--You know who you are and I'm sure she will comment if she reads this!  It is funny now, but it was not funny that day!  I have also been "gluten" free off and on for years.  I have never really noticed any difference/improvements being gluten free.  I'm sure it was due to the fact that I still had "gluten free" products during this time.  The gluten free market now offers TONS of item, but what I didn't know was they are filled with SOY!  I also went VEGAN for 3 1/2 months, which I believe pushed my body into a failing state (hair was falling out by the hand fulls, my skin was horrible, I was filled with fluid, sickness, fatigue, thyroid issues, digestion problems, etc.)  Vegan was poisining my body!  The extra soy I was eating was killing me slowly.

After some time, I noticed that foods that I was not "allergic" to was causing problems.  The problems continued and the food list of allergies were growing by the day.  Finally, I was sent to have food allergy testing.  The results were back and I was really scared to look at it.  I just knew it would be LONG.  Well, to my surprise, there was nothing major listed!!!!!!!  This just can't be!  I knew food was making me sick and it was not just in my head.  Well, I was right, but it was not allergies.
So, what was happening you ask?  Leaky Gut!!  When I eat grains, wheat, corn, soy, and other processed foods, it causes small holes/openings/tears in my stomach and intestinal walls.  When I eat, small food particles get trapped in those openings/holes and absorb into my blood stream.  Once in the blood stream, the body has an autoimmune response and attacks it, since it does not belong there.  This can cause hives, swelling, rashes, and many other reactions.

I have heard people tell me, "You just need to eat a balanced diet in moderation."  Well, I've done that for years and this is where it has gotten me!  Leaky Gut will not heal itself while eating grains.  It will also not happen overnight.  It takes time for your body to repair itself and it requires that you fill it with "nutrient dense/healing" foods.  There are a lot of people suffering from autoimmune issues (thyroid, Lupus, Leaky Gut, etc.) that have not made the connection yet.  I encourage you to give this a try!

I have lost weight, improved thyroid function, reduced inflammation (from feet, legs, neck, etc.), improved hair and skin, improved digestion, eliminated arthritis in my fingers, increased metal clarity, and improved my mood!  ALL BY EATING FOOD THAT I LOVE!


  1. So crazy... in November I was diagnosed with left sided ulcerative colitis. It just hit me all at once, also an auto immune disease, although my doctor says it's not diet related, mine is mostly stress. I've been on prednisone since November and am on the weaning off process. Good luck with your diet changes, hope it's working and you're feeling better. Nicole

  2. Thanks Nicole! Hope you are feeling better soon too! I'm really just putting all these pieces of the puzzle together. Looking at my family history (Lupus, thyroid, cancer, etc.) and my health, it is really all coming together for me. I can really see where it is all connected. I have been down many paths, but Paleo has been the only one that has lead me to better health. Praying this blog helps someone else and even gives me more information as well!


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