
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Tanya: HELLO 2013!

Wow! Another year has passed. Cameron is now 10, Anna is almost 3...where has the time gone? We all ask ourselves this every day I know. Literally, as my 10 year old son turns into a preteen before my very eyes and my daughter looks and acts more grown up every day, I realize (again) that this time is so precious and fleeting. I realize that going through the motions to make it through the days, getting them where they need to go, getting myself where I need to be, and to do what needs to be done for work, and getting food into everyone's belly, and cleaned and bathed and to bed every night on the minimal level are not enough. They deserve more. I DESERVE more. And I don't mean monetarily (although that would be nice if it didn't require much of an energy expenditure on my part!).

I am now on the 7th day of my Paleo journey. One week down, well, almost. Guess what? I feel great. Guess what else? It hasn't been that hard. The hardest part was resisting the urge to have a glass of red wine for New Year's Eve last night. But, I am too stubborn to give in. And I didn't. I WON over myself. Score one for Tanya!

As I chatted with my coach, Sherri, this morning and went over little things and big ones, I was inspired. I've had a lot of issues lately contributing to my brain fog & persistent fatigue, that have pushed me into the state of just making it through each day. I should say many most, of them were my "fault", including not taking my thyroid medicine consistently, eating whatever filled my belly (not just un-Paleo, but just plain UNHEALTHY), not exercising, not connecting, not unplugging, you name it and I could go on and on. But if you know me, you know I'm not a "beat yourself up" kinda gal. I am a "learn from your mistakes and change things" kinda gal. That is where I am.

So, am I happy about what could be looked upon as wasted time?  Not so much...but I am certainly not going to dwell on it. I do what I always do... I put on my big girl panties and I made a lot of big changes. Nothing will ever change if everything stays the same.

So, the last 2 weeks hubby and I have been off together. A blessing in disguise was that we had Christmas immediately after we got off for two weeks of vacation. While that lent itself to a very hectic pre-Christmas rush, it has allowed us time to reconnect, catch up with the house work, spend quality time with the kids, and me to re-center. My re-centering included jumping on the Paleo wagon and figuring out how to do it. I only have 24 more days until my trip to Vegas with hubby, and I know I can do it! That trip will be a real test :-)

So, I challenge you to TAKE BACK YOUR HEALTH! However that may be. I'd love for you to join Sherri and I. But however you do it, I wish you the best of luck. It is going to be a great year! Many blessings to you and yours!

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