
Thursday, January 24, 2013

Tanya: So My Thirty Days Are Up, Now What?

I have officially finished my first 30 days of Paleo.

I wanted to share my thoughts. First, I know everyone is interested in knowing if I lost any weight cutting out all sugar, grains and processed foods; but I am going to wait until the end of this post to reveal that.

What I have noticed most, is that I feel good. So much better than I did 30 days ago. I don't know if it is solely due to going Paleo, because I also moved to a part time job eliminating a huge stressor in my life, I also really worked on taking my thyroid medicine consistently because my TSH was so out of whack for the last 6 months I felt awful. Those levels are now back in the normal range. However, I am certain of one thing, the lack of processed foods and sugar (especially) and the addition of quality meat, fat, and organic fruits and vegetables, has been a totally positive thing. It makes me feel like I am in control of what I choose to put into my body. It has help me shift my thinking. I can choose to drink a "fake" diet soda, or I can choose to drink clean and healthy water; or I can choose to have that glass of red wine that isn't so nutritionally dense, but does (in my mind) add value to my life.

I notice that my skin seems a little clearer, I notice that I am more "regular" (wink wink), I notice that I don't feel as anxious, I notice that I am happier, I notice that I have more energy. I notice that most days I don't feel like I have to have a nap to function (although I love napping and I could nap most days just for fun!)

So, has it been hard? Well yes and no. The hardest thing was trying to completely give up red wine. I love red wine and the thought of life completely without it is dismal to me. Now, that said, I do notice my shoulder joints ache a little when I sleep after I have it. But to me that is a fair trade off for the enjoyment I get out of having a glass with my hubby while cooking dinner or socializing together. What was not hard was dairy, grains, bread, or sugar. I've had my share of honey and fruit to combat the few sweet cravings for chocolate. I have eaten more than a few chocolate lava cakes (done Paleo). It does become more difficult when traveling, eating away from home etc. I am on a plane to Vegas right now, and already lunch was a compromise, salad with deli meats, cheese and a balsamic vinegar made with canola oil, but I picked around the cheese, said oh well, it is better than a sandwich and ate it. I'll be fine. The rest of the trip I will continue to make the best choices that I can within the Paleo parameters and move on. Will I purposefully cheat? I haven't decided yet. That is for another post.

Well, have I lost weight? The answer unfortunately is no. However, my coach and co-blogger Sherri assures me that if I stay the course, it will come. I do tend to believe her, because in 6 months she did. She never was focused on weight loss, only on overall health. This has always been her strong point ( after knowing her for 10 years! ) So, I am trying to shift my focus from solely on the purpose of weight loss, but more toward overall health and wellness. I am not only focusing on this concept here with my eating, but I also have signed up to join a class called Uplevel Your Life, which will support the mindset of shifting my focus to overall wellness and growth in all areas of my life.

I know I am just starting on the road to health and wellness, and I have a long way to go. I hope you will stick around and see how the journey plays out!

Hugs and High Fives From Me!

1 comment:

  1. So proud of you T!!! You are beginning to learn about and listen to your body. Before this 30 day adventure, the only thing you could say was, "I just feel awful!" Now you are learning what certain foods do to you and how they are affecting your body. This journey will continue to bring you to another level of awareness. This knowledge will begin to shape your decision making process and the choices you make! GOOD FOR YOU! HUGS AND HIGH FIVES BACK AT YA! Have fun in Vagas! Oh, and don't forgot your "good friend" Sherri when you hit it big! LOL! ;)


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